climate opinion
research exchange

CORE shares high-quality opinion research related
to climate change and the energy transition

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frequently asked questions

What is CORE?

The Climate Opinion Research Exchange (CORE) is an initiative of the Meliore Foundation to share high-quality opinion research related to climate change and the energy transition. We believe in accurately measuring trends in opinion and sharing this information openly with the public, researchers, civil society and the media, so we can all better understand the social, community, policy and business dynamics influencing opinion around these issues.

What is your research focus?

CORE’s primary focus is collecting longitudinal opinion data through surveys, though we also plan to publish one-off surveys on key topics. We believe that by tracking measures of opinion over time, we gain a better understanding of how opinion is evolving in response to the energy transition and the impacts of climate change.

Can I get access to your data?

We upload all of our datasets to our online data explorer, where anyone can interrogate it in detail. If you are a scholar looking for access to raw data files, questionnaire scripts or additional information or data from any of our projects, please contact us.

Who conducts your surveys?

CORE commissions its research from both private opinion research firms and academic partners with expertise in the field. We work with whomever we feel is best able to sample and survey the population of interest for a given project, including both national and international service providers.